Episode 424

 Healing With Peer Support

w/ Sonia Kahlon

The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

Recovery from harmful coping mechanisms can be discouraging to those who struggle alone.  What if there was a way for people in the same boat to encourage and support one another?

In this episode, Celeste The Therapist and Sonia Kahlon, founder of EverBlume, talk about how her journey to sobriety has built a community focused on recovery. The episode also discusses how harm reduction can be used to manage unhealthy habits.

Making connections that promote dialogue and peer support can be significant as we take our own roads to recovery. Tune in to this episode now and subscribe to know more.

About Sonia:

Sonia is the founder of EverBlume which provides small group recovery meetings where members are matched into groups based on what they are struggling with. The goal is for members to find connection through conversation, and get meaningful support and feedback from eachother.

Sonia is an orthodontist and built and sold a successful multi-location practice in 2016 and got sober in 2017. Since then, she become a recovery coach and has dedicated her life to making a difference with social impact investing, volunteering with the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and victims of sex trafficking. And now she hopes to create her biggest impact by leveraging the power of peer support to create community for those on their recovery journey. 

Website: https://www.joineverblume.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joineverblume/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everblume

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EverBlume

Stay Connected

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Take the info you are learning to begin your healing journey check out my healing the inner child class https://www.celestethetherapist.com/shop/p/healingtheinnerchild

  • This class will

  • Help you recognizes past trauma 

  • Provide the necessary tools for moving forward

  • Help you understand where certain behavior patterns stem from while stepping  into your recovery process. 

Download your free webinar about how to be intentional about your vision



The importance of a vision

Creating a wellness plan

Being intentional about your plan

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Are you struggling with your friend, family, partner, coworker etc? Do you want your relationship questions answered by Celeste The Therapist and co-host Jeff Grey? Submit anonymous questions and they will answer them live on the show. Submit anonymous questions about relationships here CelesteTheTherapist.com/podcast