Episode 385

Let’s talk About Relationships

w/Jeff Rogers

The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

Let’s talk about relationships! In this episode, Celeste is with executive/leadership coach and facilitator Jeff Rogers to talk about the ships we sail and fix and everything in between the long journey with the raging waves. The change, choices, and chaos that we constantly try to bear in our relationships, friendships, and sex – unto what degree of grace and power can you hold?

Reacquaint yourself with something you have pruned. Reintroduce yourself to forgiveness, peace, and obligations. Listen and stay tuned to know more.

Learn more about Celeste: www.CelesteTheTherapist.com

Resources Mentioned

Visit our Amazon Store for all the books mentioned on the podcast! www.amazon.com/shop/celestethetherapist

Where to Find Jeff

Website: https://rogersleads.com/

email him: Jeff@Rogersleads.com

Instagram: @professorjgrey

Stay Connected

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The hashtag for the podcast is #ShiftingTheWayYouThink

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