Ep 362
Jumping Head on to
Hope and Healing
w/ Armand Coleman
The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.
In this episode, Celeste is with Armand Coleman, Executive Director of Transformational Prison Project, to talk about the fear you need to let go before jumping head on to hope and healing from the years of clogged up traumas.
Living for 20 years of desolation behind bars, Armand sheds a light on restoring oneself by being able to process people in a way that brings healing. In this discussion, he shares his battles and experiences in reclaiming his power through understanding the unique strings of histories we all share.
We believe that we are all fighting against different struggles but what makes us all related is our desire to overcome it. Follow and subscribe to know more about our guest for this episode.
Learn more about Armand Coleman,:
Armand has over eight years of experience developing and leading Restorative Justice (RJ) programming. He was introduced to RJ while incarcerated as a youthful offender. While incarcerated, Armand founded the Youthful Offender Coalition for those who committed their crime under age 18 and Men Exploring Their Own Obstacles which addresses toxic masculinity, rape culture, and sexism. In addition to being a lead facilitator and circle keeper at TPP, Armand leads restorative justice circles and mentor’s youth through Roxbury District Court's CHOICE Program. He is the Volunteer Development and Community Outreach Coordinator at Communities for Restorative Justice. He is a former coordinator for the Bridge Project at Everyday Boston, where he also volunteers. He is also a member of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Roundtable on Racial Disparities in Massachusetts Courts and facilitates circles for first year law students at Harvard Law School.
Where to Find Armand Coleman
Website: https://www.transformprison.org/
Learn more about Celeste: www.CelesteTheTherapist.com
Resources Mentioned
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