Episode 359

Confronting Manic, Media and other Mental Illnesses

w/ “Bipolar Rabbi”

Alfredo Bowodowski

The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

In this episode, Celeste talks with Rabbi Alfredo Borodowski or also known as Bipolar Rabbi. In this segment, Alfredo shares his experience of being manic, mis-medicated, and ostracized by his own. 

Mocked by the media and stigmatized by the society, listen to Bipolar Rabbi redeem himself and reclaim his power. There’s a lot more that we don’t know about being manic and other mental disorders. Learn more about positive psychology and focusing on your own strength by following and subscribing on his channels and know more about his book on collective wisdom for mental illnesses. 

Learn more about Alfredo Borodowski:

Bio: Rabbi Alfredo Borodowski, Ph.D, MSW, "The Bipolar Rabbi," specializes in the blending of spirituality and mental health. Trained as a philosopher, personality type interpreter, and therapist, Rabbi Alfredo; connects spiritual wisdom and mental wellbeing. He specializes in the application of Positive Psychology for life flourishing. He focuses on finding wisdom in the struggle with mental illness. He graduated from the Glean fellowship for entrepreneurial spirituality at Columbia University Business School, CRR global coaching and is a certified Myers Briggs practitioner. He is the founding Rabbi of Congregation Sulam Yaakov in Larchmont NY.

Where to Find Dr. Borodowski

Website: https://www.bipolarrabbi.com/

Instagram: @bipolarrabbi

Learn more about Celeste: www.CelesteTheTherapist.com

Resources Mentioned

Visit our Amazon Store for all the books mentioned on the podcast! www.amazon.com/shop/celestethetherapist

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